In two weeks, tens of thousands of km traveled. Marie-Véronique and Jean-Michel went from San Francisco -> New York -> Paris -> Singapore -> Dubai -> Paris. Marie Véronique even added a small detour between Dubai and Paris via Shanghai. Mathieu left from San Francisco and Paul from Paris so that all three of them, with Marie-Véronique, would end up in China with our local partner who builds our Witboxes according to our specifications / engineering.
It is difficult to imagine all the ingenuity and power that is in these Witboxes. Maybe if we remember that the Witbox+ are in the form factor that you know, 8 times more and better than what the big servers that barely fit into “normal” racks, that we used, did just 4 years ago. Who would have bet on it at the time? But we must also never forget and salute the quality of our software which, because we design hardware and software, perfectly exploits all the possibilities of our Witbox. One is optimized for the other and vice versa. It’s not brilliant, it’s genious !